Behind the Scenes Tag

Behind the Scenes TagI was tagged by the ever so lovely Stash Matters to show you behind the scenes of my blog and allow you to get to know a bit more about me. Thank you Stashy for thinking of me!


1. What camera do you use?

I use my iPhone 5S. I have a Sony Cybershot point and shoot which I got for my birthday in 2015 and I don’t know whether the quality of the photos isn’t that great or I’m not using the right settings but my iPhone photos are better. I am actually thinking of buying a proper DSLR very soon so let me know if you have any recommendations. (I’m currently leaning towards the Canon 700D).

2. What editing system do you use?

Pic Monkey is my favourite! I just use the free version and if I want unique fonts or extra fonts I download them from for free.

3. Do you use artificial or natural lighting?

Natural lighting. I look at what the weather is going to be like for the week ahead and mentally make note of which photos I need to take and when I’ll be able to take them. Nothing fancy.

4. What is the top item on your filming wishlist?

Probably the DSLR camera I mentioned in Question #1! I’d love to improve my skills and learn more about photography and the flip out screen would be handy for filming videos if I go down the video/YouTube route  😉

5. What is your favourite day in the week to film/write/photograph?

I don’t have a set day for taking photos, it really is dependent on the weather. When it comes to writing posts, I try to get most of that done on the weekends but since I don’t currently have a job I’ve got more free time.

6. Do you plan your posts? If so, how?

Yes I do and I use Excel. I normally plan posts about a month in advance and I post three times a week so I have a spreadsheet with the date the post will be up and the title of the post. Once the post has been published I highlight that cell. This system lets you see everything at a glance and  it’s surprising how quickly the months fill up!

Here’s an example from a few months ago:

Excel Blog Schedule

7. How long does it take you to write and photograph a post?

It depends on the type of post. If it’s a tag post like this that doesn’t require a lot of pictures, not long at all – I’d say roughly an hour. If it’s a review and something that requires testing and swatching, a bit longer. I normally don’t swatch and then write that post straight away especially if it’s a review, I like to use the item a couple of times so I can give a more informed opinion. For example, I might swatch an eyeshadow palette on a Monday and wear different looks that week, so the post won’t be up for another week or two afterwards.

8. How many hours do you spend editing an average post?

I’d say 30 minutes or less. I like to think I’m quick and accurate. I edit spelling, grammar, etc. as I go. Usually I get all my thoughts out, go away for a little while and come back with a fresh set of eyes. I then spend time taking bits out and rearranging bullet points. I always preview my posts and read through them as if they were getting read aloud as it makes it easier to identify mistakes. I am a real stickler for spelling or someone not using the correct word, and editing was always one of my strengths at school.

9. Favourite types of posts to write?

Beauty in general, really. I love sharing hauls and what I’ve been buying, and I love trying out new products. I do also like more personal, honest posts sometimes, hence my Hey, It’s Okay… series.

10. Do people at your school or work know about your blog?

I didn’t have my blog when I was at school but some of my friends know about it. I didn’t tell people at my old work that I have a blog but my new boss who took over the business found it.

11. What is your process of thinking of a blog idea?

At the start, I used to blog on the fly and if I had an idea I’d post about it then. At the start I also didn’t have a focus on beauty and I blogged about anything. Once I decided to post three days a week I started getting into a better routine and I haven’t managed to run out of post ideas yet. It’s a good idea to have a series or two on your blog so your readers can expect regular posts. There are a ton of post idea lists out there on Pinterest and Bloglovin’ if you’re ever stuck and some of the time inspiration comes from your fellow bloggers. There’s not one thing that inspires a post, they happen at random times. Do note them down straight away though!

12. Do you feel awkward filming in front of other people or in public?

I don’t normally photograph anything in public but I have got my phone out to take a picture of something (not blog related) before and I didn’t feel awkward. If you feel awkward maybe ask a friend to assist you so you’re not on your own and you can bounce ideas off of them.

13. Do you and your blogging friends plan out posts together?

I have done a few collaboration posts before (HERE and HERE) and they are a lot of fun! I used to run a blog series called Meet the Blogger where I would interview one blogger each week and ask them questions about them and their blogs.

One thing I’d like to do moving forward is collaborate with more bloggers. Email me or contact me through social media if you have any ideas!

14. What is your subscriber goal by the end of the year?

I genuinely mean it when I say I don’t worry about the numbers. Of course, I have little goals and milestones I’d like to reach and my next one would be to hit 1,000 followers. I don’t know that I’ll reach 1,000 before the end of the year but that’s where I’d like to be.

15. Who do you tag to do this tag next?

Thanks again to Stash Matters for tagging me and I hope you enjoyed reading this post!


18 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes Tag

  1. stashy says:

    So awesome you did this! I love reading this kind of stuff! 🙂
    DaFont is great, isn’t it! I love free stuff, hah! And Excel nerds unite! 😀
    I really enjoy your “Hey it’s okay” series. Great topics that people after shy away from. 🙂
    I’m with you on the follower numbers. I find it a bit overwhelming actually. I like a close-knit community and it gets a bit too much with the higher numbers.
    Thanks for doing this tag! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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