Favourite Instagram Accounts #1

Instagram is my favourite social media platform and I kind of see it as an extension of my blog. I post about makeup, I’m fond of sharing a selfie or two (I’m more confident than I used to be) and occasionally I share feelings and general life stuff. I don’t have a theme for my account and I post what I want when I want, I let my feed take on an organic feel. I don’t have a strict upload schedule but I do try to share images a few times a week.

I wanted to share the love and talk about some of my favourite accounts to follow. There’s nothing to say I won’t do another one of these posts in the future so please don’t be offended if you don’t feature this time! ❤

1. Rachael (Account: helplesswhilstdrying)

Rachael’s blog is one of my absolute favourites and her Instagram is no different! She posts a mixture including flatlays, makeup looks, fashion, and snaps of her two dogs. On her stories Rachael also shares hauls and more about her life. Rachael’s reviews and opinions are honest and she is one of those bloggers whose judgement I trust. She shows a very real side of life and what goes on behind the scenes. On top of all of this, Rachael is  such a lovely, supportive blogger and I always look forward to seeing her pictures and watching her stories.

2. Chloe (Account: chloeburfordx)

Chloe’s account isn’t one I have followed for as long as some of the others in this post but that doesn’t make it any less aesthetically pleasing. Chloe is a gorgeous girl and I love the soft, dainty undercurrent that runs through her feed and her images of cute cafes and flowers. Her outdoorsy travel images further remind me how quaint and beautiful England is and make me want to visit even more.

3. Pretty City London (Account: prettycitylondon)

I started following Pretty City London after hearing Fleur De Force mention it. The account does what it says on the tin and you’ll find of plenty of pretty pictures taken in and around London. Flowers, buildings and cafes feature a lot and this account reminds me of Chloe’s above; a beautiful, girly feed.

4. Melanie Murphy (Account: melaniiemurphy)

I’ve followed Melanie for a little while now and if you’re looking to follow someone who tells it like it is, has a kick ass attitude and is down to earth, Melanie is your gal! Melanie is an author and content creator and her videos are not your usual YouTube videos, she talks a lot about sexuality and relationships and topics she’s passionate about. Melanie also mentions her partner Thomas a lot and they make such an adorable couple!

5. Valentine (Account: its_not_snyx)

I’m not a big lover of themed accounts but I do follow a handful. Valentine is from France and sticks to a predominately pink theme but her photography is so beautiful. Sure props pop up more than once but she rotates them round and changes the layout so it’s not like you’re seeing the same thing every third picture. Her pictures are crisp and fresh.

6. Neko & Miki (Account: neko_and_miki)

This is the account I have followed most recently out of all the ones mentioned here. Cute cat pictures make me melt and I was convinced to click the follow button as Miki is a Birman which is the same breed as Halo. Miki is a lilac point and is a lot lighter than Halo (Halo is a seal point) but Birmans are known for being clever and cheeky and they are super adorable!

7. Dannii (Account: abeautifulthing2015)

Dannii is one of my closest blogging friends and I have followed her for years! She is gorgeous inside and out and always has me envious of her days out and gypsy lifestyle (meant as a compliment). She’s always traveling around and finding somewhere new to go or eat out. Dannii posts a little of everything and always leaves sweets comments on my photos. I know I can count on her if I need a friend.

Let me know which Instagram accounts are your favourite to follow in the comments!


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Sunshine Blogger Award #2

Last week I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by the lovely Hunida – (thank you for the nomination!) Make sure you check out her blog if you haven’t already! Enjoy this post!


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the 11 questions asked.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and include the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

Hunida’s Questions:

1. Are you okay with setting your alarm to a time not ending in five or zero?

I think I would be ok with it but I prefer the time to end in a five or a zero, it feels more satisfying.

2. What do you regret spending your money on the most?

I’m quite frugal with money but probably makeup and clothes that I haven’t worn much.

3. How many shots of tequila (or your alcohol of choice) does it take to get you super, super drunk?

I’ve never been drunk and I don’t drink alcohol so I have no idea!

4. Do you like reality shows or do you hate them? If you like them, which one is your all-time favorite?

I’m indifferent, some I like, some I don’t. I used to really love the British version of The X Factor before it became scandalous and over sensationalised. Now I don’t watch very many reality shows but I do enjoy Britain’s Got Talent, The Block NZ (a renovation show), My Kitchen Rules Australia and I watch Strictly Come Dancing if there’s one of my favourite celebrities on it.

5. If any, what superstitions do you believe in?

If you break a mirror you get seven years bad luck.

6. On your birthday, what kind of cake do you usually request?

I don’t have cake every year, there’s probably been more years I haven’t had cake than years I have. I love Victoria Sponge though, the combination of the jam and whipped cream with the soft vanilla sponge is a classic!

7. Do you still blow out candles on your birthday?

I don’t tend to have cake but if I do I like candles.

8. How old did you turn and what did you do for your most favorite birthday celebration?

My 21st birthday was happy and memorable. I went out for dinner with some friends and family and went clubbing afterwards. When I came home from clubbing my mum had decorated the table and living room with balloons and a banner and presents were all over the table. I wrote a blog post about it *HERE*.

9. What is your favourite online store to shop on?

ASOS because they have free returns or Glassons because they have super fast delivery.

10. Do you ever eat raw ramen noodles as a snack?

I’ve never tried ramen noodles before.

11. What is your absolute favorite candle scent?

I like scents that aren’t too strong and I’m not the most adventurous. Can’t go wrong with a simple vanilla!


My Questions:

  1. What is your favourite online store to shop on?
  2. What is your favourite social media platform and why?
  3. What does love mean to you?
  4. What country do you want to visit that you haven’t before?
  5. Tea or coffee? How do you take it?
  6. What camera do you use for blog photos?
  7. Favourite part of your makeup routine?
  8. One style trend you hate?
  9. Hardest part about running a blog?
  10. What topping is usually on your pizza?
  11. What makes you feel better when you’re sad?

There’s no pressure to accept but I’d love to see your answers to my questions! Hope you liked this post and learnt something new about me.


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Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi everyone! Last month the lovely Pamela over at Starring Pamela tagged me to do the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thinking back briefly over my four years of blogging, I don’t think I’ve done this one before which is exciting! Make sure you visit Pamela’s blog if you haven’t already and I hope you enjoy this post!


1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Pamela’s Questions:

1. What is your main goal of 2018?

To read 50 books in a year. I started in September 2017 and I’ve got until September 2018 to achieve it. I think it will be close but I might not hit 50.

2. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?

No but I find some of them interesting.

3. What is your favorite organizational style?


4. Do you have any hidden talents?

I can sing. I did a talent quest at school and sang in front of strangers so it’s not just my mum who’s told me I’m good.

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?

England/The UK; until I have visited this answer won’t change!

6. What is one touristy thing in your hometown that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t?

Relax in the hot pools. I live in a very geothermic city with geysers and lots of natural hot springs.

7. Do you have any surprising hobbies?

I like to watch ODI cricket when NZ play and it’s on free to air television.

8. Favorite type of socks?

Ankle socks.

9. Do you have one go-to handbag or change them up often?

I tend to stick with the same handbag unless I need a bigger one for a certain day or want my bag to match my outfit.

10. What is something you’re looking forward to this week?

Seeing my boyfriend, I look forward to that every week 😛

11. What is the most recent song you’ve listened to?

Natalie Bassingthwaighte  – Alive (at the time of writing this post).

My Nominees:

My Questions:

  1. What is the most recent song you’ve listened to?
  2. Summer or winter? Why?
  3. Do you have any pets?
  4. What’s your favourite comfort food?
  5. Apple or Samsung?
  6. Why did you start blogging?
  7. Is there something you haven’t done before but would like to?
  8. What are your most visited websites?
  9. Do you believe in soulmates?
  10. Best piece of life advice you’ve received?
  11. What was the last book you read?

If you do participate I can’t wait to read your answers!


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Behind the Scenes Tag

Behind the Scenes TagI was tagged by the ever so lovely Stash Matters to show you behind the scenes of my blog and allow you to get to know a bit more about me. Thank you Stashy for thinking of me!


1. What camera do you use?

I use my iPhone 5S. I have a Sony Cybershot point and shoot which I got for my birthday in 2015 and I don’t know whether the quality of the photos isn’t that great or I’m not using the right settings but my iPhone photos are better. I am actually thinking of buying a proper DSLR very soon so let me know if you have any recommendations. (I’m currently leaning towards the Canon 700D).

2. What editing system do you use?

Pic Monkey is my favourite! I just use the free version and if I want unique fonts or extra fonts I download them from DaFont.com for free.

3. Do you use artificial or natural lighting?

Natural lighting. I look at what the weather is going to be like for the week ahead and mentally make note of which photos I need to take and when I’ll be able to take them. Nothing fancy.

4. What is the top item on your filming wishlist?

Probably the DSLR camera I mentioned in Question #1! I’d love to improve my skills and learn more about photography and the flip out screen would be handy for filming videos if I go down the video/YouTube route  😉

5. What is your favourite day in the week to film/write/photograph?

I don’t have a set day for taking photos, it really is dependent on the weather. When it comes to writing posts, I try to get most of that done on the weekends but since I don’t currently have a job I’ve got more free time.

6. Do you plan your posts? If so, how?

Yes I do and I use Excel. I normally plan posts about a month in advance and I post three times a week so I have a spreadsheet with the date the post will be up and the title of the post. Once the post has been published I highlight that cell. This system lets you see everything at a glance and  it’s surprising how quickly the months fill up!

Here’s an example from a few months ago:

Excel Blog Schedule

7. How long does it take you to write and photograph a post?

It depends on the type of post. If it’s a tag post like this that doesn’t require a lot of pictures, not long at all – I’d say roughly an hour. If it’s a review and something that requires testing and swatching, a bit longer. I normally don’t swatch and then write that post straight away especially if it’s a review, I like to use the item a couple of times so I can give a more informed opinion. For example, I might swatch an eyeshadow palette on a Monday and wear different looks that week, so the post won’t be up for another week or two afterwards.

8. How many hours do you spend editing an average post?

I’d say 30 minutes or less. I like to think I’m quick and accurate. I edit spelling, grammar, etc. as I go. Usually I get all my thoughts out, go away for a little while and come back with a fresh set of eyes. I then spend time taking bits out and rearranging bullet points. I always preview my posts and read through them as if they were getting read aloud as it makes it easier to identify mistakes. I am a real stickler for spelling or someone not using the correct word, and editing was always one of my strengths at school.

9. Favourite types of posts to write?

Beauty in general, really. I love sharing hauls and what I’ve been buying, and I love trying out new products. I do also like more personal, honest posts sometimes, hence my Hey, It’s Okay… series.

10. Do people at your school or work know about your blog?

I didn’t have my blog when I was at school but some of my friends know about it. I didn’t tell people at my old work that I have a blog but my new boss who took over the business found it.

11. What is your process of thinking of a blog idea?

At the start, I used to blog on the fly and if I had an idea I’d post about it then. At the start I also didn’t have a focus on beauty and I blogged about anything. Once I decided to post three days a week I started getting into a better routine and I haven’t managed to run out of post ideas yet. It’s a good idea to have a series or two on your blog so your readers can expect regular posts. There are a ton of post idea lists out there on Pinterest and Bloglovin’ if you’re ever stuck and some of the time inspiration comes from your fellow bloggers. There’s not one thing that inspires a post, they happen at random times. Do note them down straight away though!

12. Do you feel awkward filming in front of other people or in public?

I don’t normally photograph anything in public but I have got my phone out to take a picture of something (not blog related) before and I didn’t feel awkward. If you feel awkward maybe ask a friend to assist you so you’re not on your own and you can bounce ideas off of them.

13. Do you and your blogging friends plan out posts together?

I have done a few collaboration posts before (HERE and HERE) and they are a lot of fun! I used to run a blog series called Meet the Blogger where I would interview one blogger each week and ask them questions about them and their blogs.

One thing I’d like to do moving forward is collaborate with more bloggers. Email me or contact me through social media if you have any ideas!

14. What is your subscriber goal by the end of the year?

I genuinely mean it when I say I don’t worry about the numbers. Of course, I have little goals and milestones I’d like to reach and my next one would be to hit 1,000 followers. I don’t know that I’ll reach 1,000 before the end of the year but that’s where I’d like to be.

15. Who do you tag to do this tag next?

Thanks again to Stash Matters for tagging me and I hope you enjoyed reading this post!


Blogging Break…

Blogging BreakHey everyone,

For the past few weeks I’ve been thinking of taking a short break from blogging. I started this blog in June 2014 and it has pretty much been non stop for the last year. I feel like now is the right time to take a step back and focus on a few other things for the blog but not the blog directly.

Taking a break now feels natural, I have come to the end of my ‘Meet the Blogger’ posts (for the moment) but I will still email and contact fellow bloggers to see if they want to take part for when I return. I will be working away in the background, there just won’t be any new posts. I also plan to still visit WordPress daily to catch up on blogs I follow, comments and anything else! If I am nominated for any tag posts I promise I will catch up on these when I return.

I’ll be trying to post on Instagram everyday, starting tomorrow (Saturday). I’m also considering joining Pinterest and setting up a Twitter account for the blog. Be sure to let me know your thoughts on these!

Make sure you follow me on social media if you want to keep up to date with what I’m up to or you just want to say hi.

I will be back in two weeks (July 31) with my July Favourites post. Until then, look after yourselves and I can’t wait to catch up properly when I return! ❤

Lots of love,
