Love the Skin You’re In Tag!

I wasn’t specifically nominated for this tag but I haven’t done a tag post in a while and I really liked the prompts! I saw this this tag on Angela’s and Ella’s blogs (which you should check out because they are both lovely) and I was intrigued. Hope you enjoy!


  • Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog in your post.
  • Display the “love the skin you’re in” image.
  • Be truthful when answering the questions and don’t judge what other people have answered in their posts.
  • If you want to add any questions to this tag related to body positivity feel free to.
  • Try to nominate as many people as you can, if not everyone.


1. One feature you love about yourself?

I really like my lips. I love putting my lipstick on and wearing bright colours. My lips have a nice fullness to them and they are the same size as each other, one isn’t bigger or smaller.

2. One feature you wish/wished you could change that you are trying to accept or have accepted?

I am self conscious of my mid-section from my tummy to my thighs. That’s where I’m curviest and those parts of my body I am nervous to show. I have short legs and it wasn’t until the past summer I bought shorts and started to get used to wearing them and not always having my legs covered up.

3. Have you ever thought of getting surgery to change you imperfections?

No. I’m not unhappy enough that I would consider surgery.

4. One of your main role models for body positivity?

Marilyn Monroe. She is regarded as one of the most beautiful women ever. She had curves and always looked well put together.

5. Has a family member or friend ever put you down about your physical appearance? If so what for?

Yes. My mum used to always tell me I had a big bum and big legs. Apparently, I get that from my dad. My mum didn’t say it was a bad thing as such but I did used to be self conscious. Now I just accept that my bum is always going to stick out. I have a swing back which makes it more prominent.

6. Something you love about your fashion sense or style?

I have a natural ability for creating outfits from many different pieces of clothing. I can buy a top and picture several outfits it will go with. My fashion sense is a mixture of fun, trendy and practicality. I have a good idea which clothes should be worn in different situations and how to dress to a particular style.

7. Why is your body a great place to be? 

Because I have been through a lot in life and I always have a determination to better myself and keep going. My relationship with my body and my feelings about it aren’t as negative as they once were and I’m learning to accept myself more everyday.

I Tag:

Any one who wants to do this tag!


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26 thoughts on “Love the Skin You’re In Tag!

  1. petitechai says:

    This is such a positive tag! Parents can really hurt sometimes, my mother told me the other day that she would lend me her wedding dress for when I get married but I’ll probably be too big for it! Turns out I am the same weight now as she was then and she got married at my age! I really admire your lipstick choices! I wish I was that bold!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. stashy says:

    What a great tag! 😀
    It’s such a shame that the majority of women have some sort of body image issue. I wish this becomes a thing of the past one day… It’s crazy sometimes just ONE comment can stay with a person for a lifetime.

    Liked by 1 person

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